What is it with people coming up to you and starting a conversation and then not keeping the conversation going but instead just stands there waiting for you to pick up the conversation. Maybe you don't know what I mean...Tonight I went out to a bar and a girl I didn't know came up to me and asked me a question. She didn't introduce herself or anything, but after she asked me a question she just stood there. Looking at me and smiling. It was quite awkward. I didn't know what to say to her but I felt weird so I started to make small talk to fill in the silence but I was just weirded out by it. It was so forced. My roommate who was sitting across from me thought this girl was trying to hit on me but she wasn't cause she was there with her boyfriend. So my roommate thinks that perhaps she was looking for a threesome. haha But I think if you go up to someone you don't know and you want to talk to them you gotta keep the conversation going or leave and not just stand there staring at them waiting for them to say something. Awkward Awkward Awkward is all i have to say.
I got a "Rate-your-date Journal" from my cousin for my birthday, and my roommate and I were saying that we should change it into a "creepy encounters" book and then publish it (but with a better title of course)! So maybe I will use my rate-my-date book for it. I do not go on many dates and will have no use for it, but I do have very interesting encounters...so maybe i'll have better use for a creepy/weird encounters journal instead! :) ha Brilliant!!!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Ugh...I feel like complete crap! I hate getting sick and getting sick during finals week is the worst!!! I hate it when you have so much to do but you can't even lift a finger. Every move you make feels like you're moving in slow motion, not to say that everything you do takes you 10 times longer than it would usually take. Some things that really suck when you're sick: 1. Flem 2. Stuffy nose (Currently only one side of my nose is stuffed up) 3. Blowing your nose constantly, you wonder where all of it is coming from...it's coming out like a faucet. And no matter how much you blow your nose it doesn't ever stop getting stuffy. 4. When you run out of klennex and you have to use hard toliet paper on your nose, then your nose gets all dried, red, and flakey. 5.You feel like you're gonna suffocate cause you can't breathe out of your nose. 6.A constant headache 7. Your body can't decide if it's hot or cold 8. Everything seems like it's darker 9. Sore throats, everytime you swollow you feel a sharp pain. 10. When you wake up in the morning you sound like an evil demon frog talking 11. Coughing 12. Achy body 13. Wanting to stay in bed all day and sleep 14. Wanting someone to baby you until you feel better 15. Loss of appetite...well maybe that's a good thing. I can maybe save some money and instead buy more kleenex. Getting sick now is so easy for everyone during finals week cause they don't get enough sleep, don't eat well, their immune sysetm is at a low which makes everyone so much more prone to get sick. Now I don't think I'll be able to finish my final projects and go home on time. ack! Getting sick is such an inconvience...I wish I was immune to all sicknesses, unless it's gonna kill me I don't want it! ha ok j/k. (kinda) Alright back to trying to get something accomplished while working in slow-mo.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Another Year...
Another year has passed me by...I can't believe I'm still here. Wow, I've actually made it this far, 22 years...that's quite an accomplishment. So here goes the start of a new chapter in my life. What will my 22nd year bring me? Will I be more wise and learn from my previous years to not make the same mistakes I have before? Or will I be more daring and let myself make mistakes and just take life as it is, you only live once (unless you believe in reincarnation)? Life is full of choices, and I'm afraid this is my last year before I start making life changing choices to direct my path in the future... So I guess I should be enjoying my 22nd year before reality of the real world really hits me!
I watched "Rent" the movie last night. I've seen the play twice now and I have to say that when I first saw the play I thought that it could make a good movie. But now that I've seen the movie I dunno if I like it all that much...maybe it could have been done better. I found myself being really distracted by how the transitions between song and talk were so abrupt and the transitions from scene to scene after a song finished left awkward silences and sometimes the end of scene lasted way longer than it needed to. I kept finding myself after each scene saying to myself "cut cut cut now!" There was maybe one good transition in the movie between scenes..ok maybe more...but either way it bothered me. The singing was great of course but the scene when Angel gets introduced to Roger and Mark seemed like she was lipsyncing. Seeing it as a movie also helped me understand some things that I may not have gotten in the play since the play version only has one background scene. I suppose that it's hard to transition between song and speech due to the music that goes with it in a movie. It's easier on stage since it is expected but in a movie it comes out as a bit awkward and sudden. But perhaps that's the challenge of making a good movie...trying to make all those elements fit together, so maybe this movie could have been made better? Or maybe it's just me... I feel the theatre version just has a touch of something you can get from the movie. But you don't have to my word for it (reading rainbow)!
I watched "Rent" the movie last night. I've seen the play twice now and I have to say that when I first saw the play I thought that it could make a good movie. But now that I've seen the movie I dunno if I like it all that much...maybe it could have been done better. I found myself being really distracted by how the transitions between song and talk were so abrupt and the transitions from scene to scene after a song finished left awkward silences and sometimes the end of scene lasted way longer than it needed to. I kept finding myself after each scene saying to myself "cut cut cut now!" There was maybe one good transition in the movie between scenes..ok maybe more...but either way it bothered me. The singing was great of course but the scene when Angel gets introduced to Roger and Mark seemed like she was lipsyncing. Seeing it as a movie also helped me understand some things that I may not have gotten in the play since the play version only has one background scene. I suppose that it's hard to transition between song and speech due to the music that goes with it in a movie. It's easier on stage since it is expected but in a movie it comes out as a bit awkward and sudden. But perhaps that's the challenge of making a good movie...trying to make all those elements fit together, so maybe this movie could have been made better? Or maybe it's just me... I feel the theatre version just has a touch of something you can get from the movie. But you don't have to my word for it (reading rainbow)!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
You betcha
In case you were all wondering if I got that stretcher frame made yet...OH YEAH BABY it's done and made! And it's beautiful! My hot drawing one TA helped me make it! And yes I would like to say that I worked the chop saw, table saw, and the bradley nail gun! And yes, I feel more manly because of it! haha Sorry no pictures of how beautiful it turned out but I'm so happy it's done. I was surprised at how much easier it was than I thought and having someone to help me really relieved me. I was out of there in less than an hour! Surprising since I was planning on being in the woodshop for 3 hours making it! Yesterday i stretched the canvas and gessoed it and now it's all ready to paint on...but what shall I paint? Any ideas???
Sunday, December 04, 2005
We must be good...

Tonight I went to a friend's pre-christmas party. Besides hogging all the yummy cheeses they had there we also ate sugary gummy rings. You know those huge gummies that no really eats but always gets for holiday parties? Well we all decided to see if we could fit our tongue through the hole of gummeis without using our hands. And by doing this Liz thought that perhaps it would be the equivalent to trying to tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue or unwrapping a starburst in your mouth, meaning you're a great kisser if you can accomplish the task at hand. And yes we all accomplished it...so that means we're all great kissers...ok so maybe it's not so much the same as tying a knot at the end of a cherry stem, but galldarnit we're great kissers! haha So pucker up and kiss me already!
Sad news, I didn't set the timer right and we all missed Dane Cook on SNL!!!!! ARGH! I know, I'm a failure! So if anyone has a copy of it let me know! Or if they rerun it, make sure you tell me!
For more pictures please check out: http://sarahlee.myphotoalbum.com/albums.php
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Glass Works
Monday, November 21, 2005

Here are a few posters I've been working on for my class. We were told to make a poster to promote something, either ourselves or something else. I orginally wanted to make a 50's poster with this image but instead went for a 80's look. This picture was taken in the 80's so this fits perfectly I suppose. The posters are ordered from the first being the first one I worked on and the last, the last one I did. With the last two I tried to do a more modern take on a poster about coloring books. As if a designer was told to take a poster done in the 80's and revitalize it. I like the last two the most. If anyone knows me, knows that I hate the 80's so that's probably why I don't like the first one as much...therefore I will probably hand one of the last ones in. And yes they are sarcastic, and again if you know me you know I love sarcasm. Oh yes, if you can't tell who it is in the picture, it's Liz, my roommate! Sooo cute! :D
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The Lamest Day I Ever Had...

Alright...so if you already heard this story from me on Monday, since I was telling every single person I saw about what a lame night I had on Sunday night...you do not need to read on.
Ok so here goes the tale of the lamest day I ever had...
Nicole (my roommate) and I decided to head to the mall since she wanted to look at some DKNY watches and spend her $25 gift certificate at Express and get a free wallet. So we head over to the mall and spend about a good 40min in Express trying to find something to buy but she could not find a thing...we finally pick something out but then find out at the register that the item has to be exactly $25 or more before tax not $24.50!! Furthermore, we find out that she didn't need to use the gift certificate in order to get the free wallet and the certificate didn't expire till later! So we spent all that time in the store for nothing! Then we head over to Boston Store where Nicole looked online and it said they had DKNY watches there but when we got there they did not.
So we head over to Home Depot to get my wood for a canvas I need to build for my painting class. Which I'm pissed that I have to do and think it's ridiculous! Only intermediate painting should build their canvases, when again will I need to do this again??? So lame! Anyway, we get there and I'm supposed to get clear pine wood but the only clear pine they have is the wrong size. But next to it there was select pine so I asked someone if they knew the difference of clear and select pine but they had no clue. So I decided to put it in the cart and bring it over to the register and ask them. Mind you these pieces of wood were 8 ft. long! So I somehow manage not to hit anyone in the head with the wood and get to the register with no troubles...I ask the girl at the register and she tells me someone in the lumber section would probably know the difference. I stare at her for a while waiting for her to offer to call someone to find out and after some mumbles and grumbles she finally did. So Russ on the phone tells her that select pine (the pine I have in the cart) has knots in it and clear pine does not. I can not have knots in my wood because the woodshop where I need to cut this wood will not let you cut wood with knots in it because it is dangerous. So at this point I'm already fed up and so upset that I have to do this project. But I suck it up and return the wood where I found it and ask for assistance. I find out that the wood I had in the cart was the right wood but he looks at it and discovers it's in really bad shape, all bent up. I also can not use bent up wood cause it needs to sit flat on the table saw in order to cut it. So the guy tells me they may have more in stock but it will take 10-15min to find out. And asks me if I wanted him to find out...my answer "uhhh yeah, that would be great." So he comes back after 5min. and tells me all they have left is what is there. So Nicole and I just look at each other not really knowing what to do and I'm soooooooo upset right now! To make matters worse the guy working at home depot asks me "Why did you wait so long to get your wood, there were people in here last week getting it." OHMIGOD!!!!!! I was ready to slap him! That's none of his business and my problem! Don't go blaming me that you guys don't have more of that wood! I was ready to scream at this point! I just looked at him and said "Well, I guess it was MY fault, thanks" and left. I was walking out so fast out of that store and by the time I got out I was screaming!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! That's the worse customer service I ever got!!! (I didn't say that but I should have!)
So Nicole calms me down and suggests to drive me to Menards, back to west side where we were earlier...I was so mad I just wanted to go home and forget it but instead I sucked it up and agreed to try again. We get to Menards and go straight the info desk in the lumber section and ask the guy at the counter. He looks it up on his little computer what kinds of wood they have and tells me about them. I stare and look at him, waiting for him to tell me where I can find it but he doesn't...So I ask "So, where can I find this wood?" his response, "Out those doors, aisle A". I knew with that response that it sounded to simple and I was going to go on another long hunt. So Nicole and I get outside with our cart and it's pitch black, windy, cold and no one out there!!!! Not to even mention that aisle A consisted of a giant stacks of lumber, brick, and whatever else you need a lift to get! And aisle A has 3 aisles!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!! As you can guess, I'm so fed up at this point that I'm just laughing at how ridiculous this all was and Nicole is screaming "Can I get some assistance please?" But of course no one hears her cause there's NO ONE in sight!!!! We see a lighted area about 50 ft away and it looks like they have wood in there so ran towards it. When we get there we're told "No, we don't have the kind of wood you're looking for in here. Go out and walk straight to aisle A." Nicole and I just look at each and laugh and do as he says but find nothing cause it's dark out and have no clue what we're looking for. So I said screw it, let's leave. As I walked out of the doors of Menards I scream yet again...this time "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'M SO MAD I COULD PEE MY PANTS!!!, I JUST WANT TO TAKE A DUMP ON MENARDS!" Seriously, what happened to good old fashion customer service? Do they not practice it at stores anymore? Ugh...
Oh you thought this story was over...
So, Nicole wanted to go to a different mall to try a second attempt at looking for those watches. They also did not have them. Then she was like well lets go to the grocery store and get some food, food will make us happy. We decide on getting ingredients to make tiramisu. We search for the ingredients and ask but find out they do not have what I need to make it!!!! We made cookies instead. Afterwards we had dinner at noodles and good thing nothing went wrong there.
My mantra of the night: "I am calm, cool, and collect. I can do this..."
So basically it was a whole day of attempting to get things accomplished but nothing was. To make the day worse it was filled with bad customer service and stores not having what we were looking for. I dunno what's worse, bad customer service or no service at all???? Both! This day is definitely going into the book of the Lamest Days I've Ever Had! And if you're wondering why I waited so late to get wood it's because I don't have a car, I had to ask my roommate to bring me and my teacher didn't really tell us we needed the wood till the week before. ARGH! I'm just so mad about this whole project! ack! Anyway, that's me venting...
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Here is another one of my projects I worked on for Print Productions. This assignment entailed us to use at least 10 images from an image pool that we created as a class. Feedback from the class was that it looked too divided in the center, which i agree...I could have worked harder on this. But my instructor told me it looked finished when I was working on it and I asked him if it was too divided but he said no so...i didn't really think twice about it. I was going to make another collage too but I ran out of time and didn't finish it, I might keep fussing with it to see what I can come up with. Unfortunately, I can't really go back and fix this piece because I didn't save a good copy of this with all the layers...darnit! But what I like about this piece are all the vibrant oranges that come out from behind the dark brown. Nice contrast.
At this moment I'm sitting at the design lab working on homework...god, it's a saturday night and I'm working on homework...boy do I feel like I loser!...No, not loser sarah...i'm a dedicated art student, hardworking, and motivated!!! Must keep telling myself that!!!!!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005

So, after saying that I didn't want to venture out to State St. I went back on my word and did it! haha I was curious what it was like now, comparing to my freshman year. And I have to say...not much more different but it seems like it's more controlled, stadium lights, a lot more police out and police on horses! I think the police on horses is a bad idea, yes it may control the crowd better in some ways and keep less people wandering in the middle of the street...maybe...but i feel bad for the horses and they poop all over the street and you have to constantly watch where you step, it's quite disgusting! Unless you're drunk and you don't care what you step in, which most people were...yuck. Anyway, I went out on Friday and luckily there weren't that many people out so it wasn't as bad. But it was still craziness of course! It was fun to see all the crazy costumes and act silly, not that I don't everyday..but you know what I mean! I think what I find cool about Halloween is that at no other time of the year can you point at someone and yell, "Heyyyyy, a grown man in a diaper!!!" and get a high five from him and act as if you've know each other for years...haha
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Self Portrait

These are my self protraits that I am now finished working with. I'm happy with it for the most part. Working with photoshop is fun and I'm constantly discovering new things. I'm excited about the potential I have in this class to create some really interesting images. The instructor really gives us a lot of freedom to do what we please and to explore new options. It's nice but at the same time I feel like I need more structure. He shows me how to do things but after he leaves I quickly forget how to do it...that's the unfortunate aspect to this class...they need to make a handout on how do certain things...yes I know there are How To Photoshop books out there and yes I know i should be looking at them...but I'll do some more exploring on my own for now. The Oranger self portrait is the one I ended up handing in.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The Boss

I was able to sneek in some pictures of The Boss!!! muahahaha...
This Saturday night I saw Bruce Sprigsteen in concert!!! I was never a particular fan of his but come on it's The Boss you gotta like him, he's a legend!! My friend's (Melissa) father bought Melissa two tickets to go see Bruce and she asked me to go with her!!! How nice of Melissa! I am so honored that I was worthy enough to go with her. heehe I sound like a pathetic loser I know but I really appreciate people that treat me to things. It makes me feel special.
Anyway, the concert was the "awesomest"! He is so talented, playing a number of different instuments all night. He mostly played songs off of his new album, "Devils & Dust" which is mainly really mellow stuff, very different from his other albums. But I liked it a lot and had a good time at the concert. I need to attend more concerts! They're so exilarating! I was so buzzed from the concert last night I didn't go to bed till 4am.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Too Gosh Darn Cute

Spike likes to be in drawers, I tried to convince Liz to leave an open drawer for him but she says she just doesn't have the space for it. ho hum. Well looks like he'll have to share a drawer with her clothes! This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode when Kramer lets Japanese men sleep in his dresser drawers, closes the drawers and forgets that they are in there. hehee In the last picture, Spike looks like he's possessed! Reminds me of one of the cloaked Star Wars characters...
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Wig Party!

Oh man! After a long week this was well deserved... My roommates (Nicole and Liz) and I hosted a party on friday night and the theme, which you probably know by now is WIGS!!! It was totally awesome and I'm so happy that about everyone came with wigs on. What a great theme, ahem...my idea! :P We invited about 40 people and expected maybe 30 to come, only 20 came but either way we still had a great time! After our house we headed out onto state st. and of course attracted a lot of attention. We must do this again now that everyone has a wig! :)
For more great pictures please visit:
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
We All Look the Same
So,two days ago I was mistaken for the other asian girl in my class...twice! Once by another student and the other time by the teacher! This other asian girl and I do not look alike really at all. But hey, I guess we do all look the same... But we are the only two asians in the class and it's just funny that they can't even tell two asians apart. It annoys me a little when these things happen but most of the time I just sit back and laugh at them when it does. haha. Mean and evil I know but hey that's what I'm gonna do while they get all embarassed.
I was having this conversation with a friend of mine about how everyone looks the same. Caucasian, African American, Asian, Hispanic, (insert your nationality here "Other"). It's funny, but most people just look the same as everyone else...unless I know someone I can't tell one person from another when looking down a street full of people. But if you have distinct features I will be able to remember you, otherwise...you don't have a chance! haha... So, I suppose I can't blame these people for mistaking me for someone else, I don't but heh, I thought I would share this incident to the many people who have had this happen to before and will probably will have this happen to again in the future.
I was having this conversation with a friend of mine about how everyone looks the same. Caucasian, African American, Asian, Hispanic, (insert your nationality here "Other"). It's funny, but most people just look the same as everyone else...unless I know someone I can't tell one person from another when looking down a street full of people. But if you have distinct features I will be able to remember you, otherwise...you don't have a chance! haha... So, I suppose I can't blame these people for mistaking me for someone else, I don't but heh, I thought I would share this incident to the many people who have had this happen to before and will probably will have this happen to again in the future.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Yessss!! I've finally found the PERFECT sunglasses! Anyone that knows me, knows that I've always liked the large plastic "grandma" sunglasses that they sell at department stores! I've always wanted to get a pair...but it seems like they are harder to find now... Could it be because the department stores finally realized that NO ONE buys these unattractive sunglasses anymore, not even GRANDMOTHERS!? Well, I don't care, I still like them! What do you think? I think this pair suits me the best! :P
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Ok Go "Oh No"

Go and get this album or at least you should check it out. This is my new favorite album, I discoved them on itunes and I have to say it's pretty good stuff. I listened to their previous albums and it seems like they've changed their sound. They went from punk/pop to alternative/indie rock. "Oh Lately It's So Quiet" and "Let It Rain" are the best songs on the album, simply because they make me happy. :) Oh and I like their logo and website, nice design! :P
Monday, September 12, 2005
The new guy sucks
It's already been decided that this new instructor for my Typography class sucks! It's only been week 2 and only had two classes with this guy. The first day I met him I already knew he was a hardass but he is officially a jackass in my book. He gave us a lot of homework already and talking with other people in his class; I have confirmed he is an ass! Supposedly in one of his classes he was giving a little presentation and someone in the class asked him to please slow down because she was trying to take notes but he snapped at her saying, "I will go at whatever pace I desire!" Hmpf..it's gonna be a long semester....
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Talk Dirty to Me
This is taken from a MN. newspaper:
"The quotes below are complants reported by clients of Room 111, a public health clinic in St. Paul that treats people for sexually transmitted diseases. Nurses at the clinic began creating the list two decades ago; it now includes several hundred comments."
"I have reason to believe my penis was exposed to LSD. When I ejaculate I have flashbacks."
"My hair is falling out and the sun hurts my crotch."
"I went to a party, had a few beers, woke up in a closet later on and my face stunk and my dick hurt."
"My last period looked like meat."
"My balls feel soft and mushy."
"I be messin' with these nasty women from Minnesota and they don't tell you they got something unless they mad at you."
"How am I supposed to do lap dances smelling like dead fish?"
"I got the dripper."
"I have food chunks in my urine."
"Had sex with my daugther's fiance and then douched with Lysol-feelin' a little raw down there."
"Scabs on my butt and I'm losing my mind."
"I'm releasing semen when I take a crap."
"I was poked in the rectum with the infected finger of a 70-year-old homosexual man."
"I live at the VA and my roommate has his girlfriend from Minneapolis over. They throw ticks at me that bite my neck and when I pop the sores, they smell like vagina juice."
"Can't you put the swab in further?"
"I had sex with my baby's momma, sex with my other baby's momma and my other new baby's momma has disease."
"Last time I had sex I passed something that looked like Cream of Wheat before it's cooked."
"My cervix hurts when I jiggle."
"The seam in my circumcision split open."
"I be messin' with my ex-wife and my girlfriend and I don't trust either of them."
"My whole body smells like an menstrating woman, especially my armpits."
"From the looks of my penis, I believe they are sucking the adrenaline out of me."
"I think they hypnotized me and put implants and poltergeists in my brain and had sex with me."
"I think my boyfriend knows what's going on. He's been calling me a 'chlamydiahoris'."
"My pee smells like ham."
Sorry for sharing that, I know that was gross but seriously, who says these things??!!! Worse yet, I suppose are these people that have these problems...
"The quotes below are complants reported by clients of Room 111, a public health clinic in St. Paul that treats people for sexually transmitted diseases. Nurses at the clinic began creating the list two decades ago; it now includes several hundred comments."
"I have reason to believe my penis was exposed to LSD. When I ejaculate I have flashbacks."
"My hair is falling out and the sun hurts my crotch."
"I went to a party, had a few beers, woke up in a closet later on and my face stunk and my dick hurt."
"My last period looked like meat."
"My balls feel soft and mushy."
"I be messin' with these nasty women from Minnesota and they don't tell you they got something unless they mad at you."
"How am I supposed to do lap dances smelling like dead fish?"
"I got the dripper."
"I have food chunks in my urine."
"Had sex with my daugther's fiance and then douched with Lysol-feelin' a little raw down there."
"Scabs on my butt and I'm losing my mind."
"I'm releasing semen when I take a crap."
"I was poked in the rectum with the infected finger of a 70-year-old homosexual man."
"I live at the VA and my roommate has his girlfriend from Minneapolis over. They throw ticks at me that bite my neck and when I pop the sores, they smell like vagina juice."
"Can't you put the swab in further?"
"I had sex with my baby's momma, sex with my other baby's momma and my other new baby's momma has disease."
"Last time I had sex I passed something that looked like Cream of Wheat before it's cooked."
"My cervix hurts when I jiggle."
"The seam in my circumcision split open."
"I be messin' with my ex-wife and my girlfriend and I don't trust either of them."
"My whole body smells like an menstrating woman, especially my armpits."
"From the looks of my penis, I believe they are sucking the adrenaline out of me."
"I think they hypnotized me and put implants and poltergeists in my brain and had sex with me."
"I think my boyfriend knows what's going on. He's been calling me a 'chlamydiahoris'."
"My pee smells like ham."
Sorry for sharing that, I know that was gross but seriously, who says these things??!!! Worse yet, I suppose are these people that have these problems...
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Alright, so I have finally given into this blogging craze...except I would like to have a blog for mainly pictures not writing about how lame my life is. At this moment I can't figure out how to make an album for pictures on here instead of posting picture by picture. I have a mac and not a pc...so this "Hello" thing doesn't work for me I think, unless I'm stupid and don't know how to work it... oh well. Let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks! :)
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