Alright...so if you already heard this story from me on Monday, since I was telling every single person I saw about what a lame night I had on Sunday night...you do not need to read on.
Ok so here goes the tale of the lamest day I ever had...
Nicole (my roommate) and I decided to head to the mall since she wanted to look at some DKNY watches and spend her $25 gift certificate at Express and get a free wallet. So we head over to the mall and spend about a good 40min in Express trying to find something to buy but she could not find a thing...we finally pick something out but then find out at the register that the item has to be exactly $25 or more before tax not $24.50!! Furthermore, we find out that she didn't need to use the gift certificate in order to get the free wallet and the certificate didn't expire till later! So we spent all that time in the store for nothing! Then we head over to Boston Store where Nicole looked online and it said they had DKNY watches there but when we got there they did not.
So we head over to Home Depot to get my wood for a canvas I need to build for my painting class. Which I'm pissed that I have to do and think it's ridiculous! Only intermediate painting should build their canvases, when again will I need to do this again??? So lame! Anyway, we get there and I'm supposed to get clear pine wood but the only clear pine they have is the wrong size. But next to it there was select pine so I asked someone if they knew the difference of clear and select pine but they had no clue. So I decided to put it in the cart and bring it over to the register and ask them. Mind you these pieces of wood were 8 ft. long! So I somehow manage not to hit anyone in the head with the wood and get to the register with no troubles...I ask the girl at the register and she tells me someone in the lumber section would probably know the difference. I stare at her for a while waiting for her to offer to call someone to find out and after some mumbles and grumbles she finally did. So Russ on the phone tells her that select pine (the pine I have in the cart) has knots in it and clear pine does not. I can not have knots in my wood because the woodshop where I need to cut this wood will not let you cut wood with knots in it because it is dangerous. So at this point I'm already fed up and so upset that I have to do this project. But I suck it up and return the wood where I found it and ask for assistance. I find out that the wood I had in the cart was the right wood but he looks at it and discovers it's in really bad shape, all bent up. I also can not use bent up wood cause it needs to sit flat on the table saw in order to cut it. So the guy tells me they may have more in stock but it will take 10-15min to find out. And asks me if I wanted him to find out...my answer "uhhh yeah, that would be great." So he comes back after 5min. and tells me all they have left is what is there. So Nicole and I just look at each other not really knowing what to do and I'm soooooooo upset right now! To make matters worse the guy working at home depot asks me "Why did you wait so long to get your wood, there were people in here last week getting it." OHMIGOD!!!!!! I was ready to slap him! That's none of his business and my problem! Don't go blaming me that you guys don't have more of that wood! I was ready to scream at this point! I just looked at him and said "Well, I guess it was MY fault, thanks" and left. I was walking out so fast out of that store and by the time I got out I was screaming!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! That's the worse customer service I ever got!!! (I didn't say that but I should have!)
So Nicole calms me down and suggests to drive me to Menards, back to west side where we were earlier...I was so mad I just wanted to go home and forget it but instead I sucked it up and agreed to try again. We get to Menards and go straight the info desk in the lumber section and ask the guy at the counter. He looks it up on his little computer what kinds of wood they have and tells me about them. I stare and look at him, waiting for him to tell me where I can find it but he doesn't...So I ask "So, where can I find this wood?" his response, "Out those doors, aisle A". I knew with that response that it sounded to simple and I was going to go on another long hunt. So Nicole and I get outside with our cart and it's pitch black, windy, cold and no one out there!!!! Not to even mention that aisle A consisted of a giant stacks of lumber, brick, and whatever else you need a lift to get! And aisle A has 3 aisles!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!! As you can guess, I'm so fed up at this point that I'm just laughing at how ridiculous this all was and Nicole is screaming "Can I get some assistance please?" But of course no one hears her cause there's NO ONE in sight!!!! We see a lighted area about 50 ft away and it looks like they have wood in there so ran towards it. When we get there we're told "No, we don't have the kind of wood you're looking for in here. Go out and walk straight to aisle A." Nicole and I just look at each and laugh and do as he says but find nothing cause it's dark out and have no clue what we're looking for. So I said screw it, let's leave. As I walked out of the doors of Menards I scream yet again...this time "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'M SO MAD I COULD PEE MY PANTS!!!, I JUST WANT TO TAKE A DUMP ON MENARDS!" Seriously, what happened to good old fashion customer service? Do they not practice it at stores anymore? Ugh...
Oh you thought this story was over...
So, Nicole wanted to go to a different mall to try a second attempt at looking for those watches. They also did not have them. Then she was like well lets go to the grocery store and get some food, food will make us happy. We decide on getting ingredients to make tiramisu. We search for the ingredients and ask but find out they do not have what I need to make it!!!! We made cookies instead. Afterwards we had dinner at noodles and good thing nothing went wrong there.
My mantra of the night: "I am calm, cool, and collect. I can do this..."
So basically it was a whole day of attempting to get things accomplished but nothing was. To make the day worse it was filled with bad customer service and stores not having what we were looking for. I dunno what's worse, bad customer service or no service at all???? Both! This day is definitely going into the book of the Lamest Days I've Ever Had! And if you're wondering why I waited so late to get wood it's because I don't have a car, I had to ask my roommate to bring me and my teacher didn't really tell us we needed the wood till the week before. ARGH! I'm just so mad about this whole project! ack! Anyway, that's me venting...
1 comment:
THAT IS THE MOST ANNOYING DAY EVER! on days like that, i just go to sleep and pretend like this day can just be skipped over!
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