Here are a few posters I've been working on for my class. We were told to make a poster to promote something, either ourselves or something else. I orginally wanted to make a 50's poster with this image but instead went for a 80's look. This picture was taken in the 80's so this fits perfectly I suppose. The posters are ordered from the first being the first one I worked on and the last, the last one I did. With the last two I tried to do a more modern take on a poster about coloring books. As if a designer was told to take a poster done in the 80's and revitalize it. I like the last two the most. If anyone knows me, knows that I hate the 80's so that's probably why I don't like the first one as much...therefore I will probably hand one of the last ones in. And yes they are sarcastic, and again if you know me you know I love sarcasm. Oh yes, if you can't tell who it is in the picture, it's Liz, my roommate! Sooo cute! :D
WOW!!! That girl is so cute!! I thought she was cute before, but now....all I have to say is WOW!!! Who is that? Oh I know, it must be your beautiful roommate LIZ!!!!! Now I know where her good looks come from!!! It was all of that catholic learning as a child...too bad she isn't showing any cleavage.
I like the last one the best, but I would bring out the letters more. It's a little hard to read. I think some more contrast between the letters and background will help. The stars are a nice touch. You should repurpose one of the tag lines from either the first or second posters...it adds more humor. Oh, maybe you can have a bubble come out of Liz's mouth like she's saying something.
my favorite's the 3rd one too. i agree, make the letters a little brighter...i really like the faded blue, makes it look like the 80's. Nice photoshoping on the picture and making it in sepia tonies!:) and it really IS unfortunate that liz isn't showing cleavage...what's the point of having it if you aren't showing it?!
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