Monday, December 19, 2005


Ugh...I feel like complete crap! I hate getting sick and getting sick during finals week is the worst!!! I hate it when you have so much to do but you can't even lift a finger. Every move you make feels like you're moving in slow motion, not to say that everything you do takes you 10 times longer than it would usually take. Some things that really suck when you're sick: 1. Flem 2. Stuffy nose (Currently only one side of my nose is stuffed up) 3. Blowing your nose constantly, you wonder where all of it is coming's coming out like a faucet. And no matter how much you blow your nose it doesn't ever stop getting stuffy. 4. When you run out of klennex and you have to use hard toliet paper on your nose, then your nose gets all dried, red, and flakey. 5.You feel like you're gonna suffocate cause you can't breathe out of your nose. 6.A constant headache 7. Your body can't decide if it's hot or cold 8. Everything seems like it's darker 9. Sore throats, everytime you swollow you feel a sharp pain. 10. When you wake up in the morning you sound like an evil demon frog talking 11. Coughing 12. Achy body 13. Wanting to stay in bed all day and sleep 14. Wanting someone to baby you until you feel better 15. Loss of appetite...well maybe that's a good thing. I can maybe save some money and instead buy more kleenex. Getting sick now is so easy for everyone during finals week cause they don't get enough sleep, don't eat well, their immune sysetm is at a low which makes everyone so much more prone to get sick. Now I don't think I'll be able to finish my final projects and go home on time. ack! Getting sick is such an inconvience...I wish I was immune to all sicknesses, unless it's gonna kill me I don't want it! ha ok j/k. (kinda) Alright back to trying to get something accomplished while working in slow-mo.

1 comment:

Smoothieshake said...

oh NO!!! that absolutely sucks! u noe how i always brag about never getting sick... well it happened last month and i lost my voice too and it was the worst thing ever. I love how ur conscientious enough to document all possible reasons it sucks to be sick;) Being the nerd that i am, i just thought i'd point out that "Flem" is actually spelt with a ph, like pHaT!! get better soon sclee!