Thursday, September 22, 2005

We All Look the Same

So,two days ago I was mistaken for the other asian girl in my class...twice! Once by another student and the other time by the teacher! This other asian girl and I do not look alike really at all. But hey, I guess we do all look the same... But we are the only two asians in the class and it's just funny that they can't even tell two asians apart. It annoys me a little when these things happen but most of the time I just sit back and laugh at them when it does. haha. Mean and evil I know but hey that's what I'm gonna do while they get all embarassed.

I was having this conversation with a friend of mine about how everyone looks the same. Caucasian, African American, Asian, Hispanic, (insert your nationality here "Other"). It's funny, but most people just look the same as everyone else...unless I know someone I can't tell one person from another when looking down a street full of people. But if you have distinct features I will be able to remember you, don't have a chance! haha... So, I suppose I can't blame these people for mistaking me for someone else, I don't but heh, I thought I would share this incident to the many people who have had this happen to before and will probably will have this happen to again in the future.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That's happened to me a lot when I was in Madison. There were times when someone would walk right up to me and start talking to me like I knew them. This girl had almost a 1-2 minute conversation with me before I stopped her and told her she had the wrong person. Another time I was walking through Library Mall and some guy was shouting this person's name so many times that I turned my head to see who this annoying voice was and he looked straight at me like I was supposed to know him. I just turned my head and continued walking.

Suckapants said...

Hehee, you know mich, you're the only one that reads my blog! :) Thanks for the comments.

Anonymous said...

Well, you should tell more people that you have a blog. What's the point? You might as well email me then put up a blog.

Smoothieshake said...

my DISTINCT feature is that i'm brown, and your roommate. u betta remember me. i wonder if there's an as well! hahah