To celebrate Thanksgiving I decided to make a whole chicken. Chicken and not turkey because I'm not that big of a fan of turkey. It's usually too dry so why not make chicken instead? It tastes better. So thus, I made a chicken.
I could have sworn I've prepared whole chickens before and been grossed out but I eventually got over it. So this time when I decided to make a chicken I was weary about it but figured I would be able to think past it. When I took the chicken out of it's wrapping and held it while I washed it I kept thinking it weighed the same as a baby or a cat. Then cleaning the skin and touching it disgusted me even more. Then when it was time to cut it I couldn't help but think i was mutilating it. Now just wonder how I felt when it came time to eat...I was wincing and cringing while eating it. Luckily, I decided to cut it all off the bone at one time and store it so I wouldn't feel like I was dissecting a poor lab animal in biology class every time I wanted to eat.
So moral of the story is, I should never prepare whole birds or any animal for that matter...I get too grossed out. And this is also why I could never be a doctor. I probably should be a vegetarian but I think it might be too late for that.
I'm not a fan of turkey either.
I love turkey but that chicken you made looks good!
And it's never too late to be vegetarian but just becareful you get all your B vitamins. :)
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