After reading stories in the news about salmonella found from eating uncooked tomatoes and how restaurants including McDonalds are pulling tomatoes from their menus...without thinking I ordered a tomato mozzarella salad from Panera. And didn't even realize it until halfway through eating it. At that point, I didn't want to throw it out cause i paid for an overpriced salad and I already ate half of it. I'm probably already gonna die from it, so I mind as well finish it. Soooo...maybe not the right mindset but anyhooo...if I happen to croak sometime soon, know it was death from tomatoes. One of my favorite vegetables (and yes i consider it a vegetable). I already have a favorite fruit.
You can still eat tomatoes you buy at the store that are still on the vine. Cherry and grape tomatoes are still safe, too.
Or better yet... grow your own!
But yeah, I went to a restaurant today, and they mentioned they had pulled tomatoes, as well.
Thanks for the info! I didn't know why everyone was pulling tomatoes out of their products...
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