Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In the Dark

One of the most annoying things and possibly my biggest pet peeve is not knowing where I stand in a situation. It's the worst when you are told by someone that they will get back to you, call you or let you know, but they never do or they just keep stringing you along like a dumb fool who doesn't know what's really coming to them. I feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark when all I really need to do is just flip the switch and turn the light on. But the pressures and intimidation of the situation keeps me from asking the questions I need to be asking. Instead I give them the benefit of the doubt and trust their word that they will get back to me. I am left forever waiting in the dark until finally I realize that they will never get back to me and the whole situation is just hopeless. I realize that all that time I've been sitting in the dark, waiting, hoping for them to come and back and turn the light on was a joke on my part; I need to stop waiting and turn the light on myself.

Each time something like this happens I am reminded that sitting and waiting is not an option. I have to pick myself up and either confront the situation or drop it altogether. I can't rely on someone else to come through on their word, therefore I can only rely on myself. It's quite sad to think that someone's word no longer means anything to me anymore. I trust people more with their actions than I do with their words. If you give me your word, I'll take it, but I'll remain skeptical till you follow through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hm.. I think I'll get you a Clapper for X-mas this year. So, you can turn on and off the lights without getting up. :) joanne