Thursday, March 15, 2007


AHHHHH!!!! Today is just one of those know, the day that NOTHING feels right. Everything is going wrong, and you just feel like you have no confidence whatsoever! You feel like everyone is just laughing at you and you wonder why they even bother. God! All I want to do is just scream my eyes out today. I have for a bit but stopped in fear that my neighbors might think I'm insane or being murdered. ARGH!!! I hate this day!

If I could get drunk, I would today...not even a couple of sodas will cheer me up.


angrules said...

Oh sarah-baby...
What happened?! At least today is almost over. Hope tomorrow finds you scream-free my dear fave li'l coz! Don't let the booze tempt you! Coke is a much better addiction!

Suckapants said...

Thanks, angie. You're truly the bestest. It's just been one of THOSE days, you know?! I just talked to mich on the phone and we both vented to each other about our horrible days! ha. I think I'm gonna try to get some early rest tonight and hope that tomorrow will be better...

Ken said...

hang in there, yo.

Unknown said...

cheer up sarah! if you're even onine at 2am feel to chat w/ me online while i'm at work. ciao

Anonymous said...

Hmph, I feel for you. I don't want to be a bad influence on you, but if you want, you could join me in having a jose cuervo cuz I could really use one right now!!! Or if not, you can have your coke and i'll have mine. We can mope together.
