Two more weeks of school left of my undergraduate career! I can't believe it! I don't think it's really sunk in quite yet and it probably won't till I get myself a job. It's quite exciting but sad at the same time; bittersweet if you will. I'm hopeful for a new beginning and great things (independence for one), but I'll be leaving my old friends behind to make more friends. While I will miss my friends dearly I know they will also one day have to leave for greater and better things too. For now, it's my time to do just that.
Here I am, four days before I am 23; hopeful, scared, unexperienced, fresh, and willing to learn new things. I'm almost there, 23, my ideal age. I hope it lives up to everything I hoped for.
A new chapter of my life is beginning...(deep breath)
Happy birthday and congrats on finishing school! What are your plans after graduation?
-Ray Y
plans after graduation are to find a job!!!
man... you're old!!! :)
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