I almost had a heart atack on Monday! I had to get a poster I made printed for ePICS expo so we could present to everyone what we did for the semester in the class. I tried to get it printed on a Sunday but the first place I went to told me they stop printing at 4pm, then I went to College Library but they have special "printing people" that come at 4:30pm because the rest of the staff is too idiotic to work the machine. gahh! So I decided they were stupid and left the place thinking that I would skip class the next morning to get the poster printed off at the first place I went to. I knew it was risking it but I figured I'd be one of the first ones there. But to my surprise there were 3 people in front of me that had 5 posters to print before it was my turn. So I got there at 9am and they told me it would probably start printing at noon. I was a nervous wreck during that whole time and couldn't really get anything done. So noon came around and I walked up to the desk to see how the progress was coming and the guy sitting up there was like "oh, it didn't process through can you send it again?" He didn't even tell me!!! If I wouldn't have gone up there my poster would have never gotten printed!!!! argh! So my turn got skipped for another kid's ePICS poster and his file was huge! So the printer was only printing 2 centimeters/5seconds. Well something like that. It was ridiculous! So after his was finished at 3:15pm!!!!! (Note: the expo is in a hour and 15min!!!) It was finally my turn. And just my luck...my poster didn't want to print at all. The printer didn't want to process it. I dunno why and I don't know if it's my file or the printer. But after many different tries and many different computers at 4:30 something finally printed off! Except it was a lot smaller than it was supposed to be I was glad something came out at least to show off my hard work. So I made it late to the expo with the poster in hand my team surprisingly were very grateful to me. I have to say I love my team! :D But worst of all is that I spent all day trying to get that poster printed and at the end of all of this the instructor gets to take it and keep it for himself!!! grrr...
Well at least my experience maybe is better than what I heard from other ePICS groups. Some of them spent 200 some dollars on printing their poster(s). Absolutely ridiculous! Since mine came out smaller than wanted it was only $10!!! haha But only $24 if printed the right size. Large difference in comparison! Phew...now I can take a deep breath and be glad that ePICS is finally over! :)
Did you design the brochure? Looks nice.
It's not a brochure...although I guess it could be made into one...it's a poster! After it was all done and it was hanging up I looked at it and it reminded me of something you would have made! haha (that was supposed be a complement). :)
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