Wow, I can't believe it's already August! It feels like summer just started. I really need to move somewhere warmer. I don't like the winter at all and most of the reason why is because I hate driving in the snow. You'd think that because I grew up in Wisconsin that I'd be used to the cold. But OH NO my friends!
I'm sure it has something to do with wanting something you don't have. For example, I have a friend who grew up in Hawaii and he LOVES the snow. I think he's crazy. But if you think about it, he grew up in paradise. Never a day of bad weather. I would have no problems moving to a place with warm climates year round and if I ever got bored with the weather, I could go visit a place with snow. Sounds like a good plan to me. But until then...I'll continue enjoying this nice weather we're having for the time being.