So I finally moved into my new apt. and things are pretty decent. Besides the fact that the place smells like paint, the hallway smells like ass crack and armpit and it's smaller than the old apt. things are fine so far. We do live right by the new apartment complex filled with rich kids. They like to stay up late and drink on their balconies while yelling at pedestrians passing by. Not so great when you are trying to sleep at 2am and they are dropping glass bottles from their balconies...damn those rich kids.
In other news, since when did they start putting "Did you know?" factoids on sweet & sour packets? I sorta feel that the two are completely unrelated, but maybe it's not? Are we all getting dumb these days that food companies feel like it is their job to educate the general public? Or is it that we are all so hungry for knowlege that the best way of feeding it to us is literally putting it on our food???
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Mousie Mousie

Kat and I finally found a place to live! phew. Well we still need to turn in the lease and our deposit but when that is over it is settled. I already looked at the place and our room looks like a bigger version of a dorm room. My new bedroom will be half the size of the one I have now and I'm just hoping my stuff will fit in there. It's like living in a box, not many windows and stuffy. But it's not all that bad, but then again I did only see the model. Not the actual room I'll be living in. I was telling my mom about the place and expressed concern about how it seemed almost too good to be true. It is cheap and in the campus area and they offer semester leases! Since I have only seen the model I wonder if there will be rats in my room.
My mother's response to this was to tell me about how we have rats in our house now and in the old house we had rats too. Mice maybe, not rats...She then proceeded to tell me about one time my dad set out mouse traps around the house and he caught one but it was still alive and when he went to retrieve it, it got away. But from then on there were no more mice in our house. This is her reasoning why there were no more mice in our house anymore: "You know why there were no more mice in the house???!!! That's because the mouse that got away went to all the other mouses and told them, "DON'T GO IN THAT HOUSE! IT'S DANGEROUS!!!!", yeah that's what the mouse did, it may sound crazy but I believe this! Rats are like humans, they're smart!" haha It's too funny, I couldn't stop laughing on the other line, just the way she said it was classic too! But who knows maybe that's what really happened! :) If you would like to hear a reenactment of it, call me! heehee
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
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