Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Self Portrait

These are my self protraits that I am now finished working with. I'm happy with it for the most part. Working with photoshop is fun and I'm constantly discovering new things. I'm excited about the potential I have in this class to create some really interesting images. The instructor really gives us a lot of freedom to do what we please and to explore new options. It's nice but at the same time I feel like I need more structure. He shows me how to do things but after he leaves I quickly forget how to do it...that's the unfortunate aspect to this class...they need to make a handout on how do certain things...yes I know there are How To Photoshop books out there and yes I know i should be looking at them...but I'll do some more exploring on my own for now. The Oranger self portrait is the one I ended up handing in.


Anonymous said...

Cool, that looks neat. yeah, you kinda have to play around with photoshop to get familiar with all its tools and capabilities. Here is a neat site with great artwork and free photoshop plugins. They are so much fun. I think I spent hours playing with these brush filters and i ended up using it in a poster >> http://www.misprintedtype.com/v3/. Go to goodies. Every one of those brush filters are worth downloading.

Suckapants said...

Thanks for the tips, the site is really neat. I enjoy the collage technique. I will have to try that...actually our next project is kinda of collagish. Everyone has to pool in 10 images of their own onto a CD and everyone gets a copy of the cd with everyone's compiled images and we need to work from that! We need to include at least 10 images in our final project! And that's pretty much all we have to go off from...oh he did say he wanted us to make it about something (politics, someone we admire...etc.). This should be interesting to say the least!